Solutions to Hide Frown Line
Even though we all dread it at times, aging as a part of life. As we get older, it is inevitable that wrinkles will slowly turn up on our once smooth faces especially the dreaded frown lines. While wrinkles can be the result of a happy, smiling life, they can also make us look old and haggard. Wrinkle fillers are a form of wrinkle treatment that results in a “forever young” look.
There are many wrinkle filler injections that are available to achieve a youthful look. These injections can range in price from $300 to $1000 depending on the procedure. They work by filling in wrinkles with one of several different substances such as gels and collagen so your age lines appear to have disappeared. These injections can last anywhere from four months to a year.

These wrinkle fillers come with many side effects and risks. Redness, swelling, and bruising can happen at the injection site. Also, the filler is sometimes seen as tiny bumps underneath the skin. These injections are not recommended for people with severe allergies.
Injections to hide a Frown Lines
Injection of a toxin is usually the first treatment that comes to mind for severe frown lines and wrinkles. Unlike wrinkle fillers, the injection flattens wrinkles by paralyzing the muscles that contract and cause dermal cracking. It is administered via an injection of a toxin that prevents those muscles from moving and creasing the brow. The toxin will hide the
glabellar lines that form the vertical crease between the brows as well as some of the horizontal lines across the forehead.
After the surgery and healing process is over, the creases will be much less noticeable. It is important that the procedure is done correctly so you are not left with an un-even expression or the unnatural blank stare look that happens when an injection is overdone.

While it may seem like a miracle medicine, injections have a lot of negative aspects and risks. For starters, the toxin is expensive! Each treatment can cost between $300 and $500. Secondly, the surgical needle injection can be extremely painful and it requires a healing period before the effects can be seen. Bruising and swelling around the injection site are common side effects of the injection.
Don’t worry- beauty can be painless!
Dermaflage is the next best thing to surgery when it comes to concealing wrinkles and achieving a youthful looking face. Even though it isn’t permanent, it is an effective, inexpensive and completely painless alternative. Invented by a Hollywood Special Effects makeup pro, Dermaflage uses a silicone filler to fully cover eyebrow wrinkles and frown lines for up to 36 hours! It applies like a makeup, but the results can be as transformative as surgery. Check out this transformation with Dermaflage. No surgery, just a topical covering of silicone.
You can truly be “forever young”. In 3 simple steps you can hide deep wrinkles or hide frown line and go out into the world feeling young again. Don’t believe us? Here are some before and after pictures of customers who have used Dermaflage to hide a frown line!
The perfect mix between makeup and surgery – get all of the concealment benefits of surgery, but you can hide frown line without needles. To learn more about how to achieve a perfectly smooth forehead with
Dermaflage go to our website and buy it today!